This story was featured in Episode 67 (please listen!)
Matylda Lis, a vivacious young Polish Canadian woman who travels all over the world, has fallen in love with Dawson City, Yukon, famous for the Klondike Gold Rush (1896-1899). Matylda spends all her summers there and has become a part of its community.
Matylda grew up in a theatre family – she’s the daughter of actress Agata Pilitowska whom we featured on POLcast and the granddaughter of Maria Nowotarska, an accomplished Polish actress who created a unique, one of a kind theatre in Toronto, which travels the world. They are all very close.
Matylda inherited the soul of an adventurer from her mother and grandmother. She travels all over the world and has fallen in love with Dawson City, famous for the Klondike Gold Rush. Dawson City is in Yukon, the smallest and westernmost of Canada’s three territories. Matylda spends all her summers there. She is in love with the place, its beauty and spirit.
These are Matylda’s photos from Dawson City:
At the end of Episode we played a special piece of music. It’s one of a number pieces played live by a true master of the piano and a popular face in Dawson City – Dwayne Kelly. He is playing on a more than 100 year old piano in the Downtown Hotel in Dawson City. The recording comes from a video “Dwayne Kelly – Genius of the Klondike” meant to help Dwayne – in January 2018 his home, an old houseboat on the Klondike River burnt down in a blaze during an arctic coldspell of temperatures around -40C. He lost everything – except the clothes he wore. Here is th film: